If you are thinking of installing air conditioning, especially in a home that does not have ductwork, opting for a ductless system is a wise choice. This way, you don't have to knock down or move any walls to install ductwork. But this is far from the only advantage of ductless AC systems. Here's a look at some others.
You can set them up to cool zones separately.
There are two main styles of ductless air conditioning systems.
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If you use a heat pump for your heating system of choice, you may run into a problem where the pump freezes due to the temperature outsize being so cold. You won't be able to use the heat pump until it has been defrosted. Thankfully, it's easy to do this on your own if you know these tips.
Remove The Blockages
It's possible that your heat pump will be unable to automatically defrost if there is a blockage somewhere in the system.
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Things are starting to warm up. Summer will be here before you know it, which means it's time to make sure your air conditioner is up to the challenge. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the heat with a broken air conditioner. That's where the pre-season maintenance list comes into play. Here are four steps you should take to make sure your air conditioner is ready to keep you comfortably cool this summer.
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In the heat of the summer, having an air conditioning unit that functions properly for you is going to be absolutely essential. If your air conditioning unit is not working as it should, your home will quickly become miserably hot, and it can even make it feel uninhabitable, depending on how hot it is outside of your home. If you find that you are having issues with your air conditioning, then it is going to be in your best interest to get it taken care of as soon as possible.
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If you are unsure how much longer your heat pump is going to last, here are four signs that you need to upgrade your heating pump this spring.
#1 You Didn't Maintain Your System
First, you need to look at your maintenance records for your system. If the heat pump was well maintained, it will last longer than if maintenance was neglected. If your heat pump has not gotten an annual maintenance check-up every year, and it is over a decade old, it may be time to trade it out for a new unit.
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