VRF Air Conditioner: What It Is And Why You Should Get One
Some new air conditioning (AC) technologies are worth taking notice of. A good example is variable refrigerant flow (VRF), which is slowly becoming a favorite of homeowners across the country.
What It Is
The refrigerant is the medium of heat transfer in most ACs, including VRF ACs. In a traditional AC, the compressor either runs at full speed or doesn't run at all — there is no middle ground. If you need cooling and turn on the AC, the compressor starts pumping refrigerant to transfer heat out of the house. The compressor then turns off after the house reaches the target temperature.
A VRF AC also uses refrigerant as the medium of heat transfer. The main difference here is that the AC has multiple compressors, each of them is independently controlled, and each of them can run at different speeds. You determine each compressor's speed depending on your temperature needs.
The Benefits
Below are some of the benefits you will enjoy with a VRF AC.
Improved Comfort
One of the best things about VRF ACs is the level of comfort they can give you. The improved comfort comes in two main ways. First, a VRF AC allows for zoning or independent cooling in different parts of the house. Thus, you can customize cooling to fit the needs of every room. For example, you may need more cooling in the kitchen than in the sitting room.
Secondly, the variable nature of the AC means you get the exact cooling you need in every part of the house. You don't have to run the AC at full blast all the time. In the end, you also get to enjoy consistent temperatures in every part of the house.
Energy Efficiency
The more refrigerant an AC pumps, the more energy it uses. The VRF technology means your AC doesn't have to pump the refrigerant at full blast if you only need minimal cooling. The technology ends up saving you energy.
Quiet Operations
As previously mentioned, VRF ACs have multiple air handlers instead of one giant air handler. Air handlers are common sources of AC noises since they sit inside the house. However, the smaller air handlers generate less noise than the giant air handlers of conventional ACs.
Dual Operations
Lastly, you can get simultaneous cooling and heating from VRF ACs. If you need cooling in one room and heating in another, the system will extract heat from the room that needs cooling and direct it to the room that needs heating.
To learn more about installing a VRF air conditioning system, contact an AC installation service near you.