How To Improve Your Boiler Productivity

Boilers might seem like an antiquated form of central heating. Most single-family homes are now heated using forced air furnaces and evaporative coolers. But this does not mean that boiler can't still be a very efficient way to heat up a building. Many people decide to retrofit their building to be used with a furnace and forced air system. Usually, the furnace will end up being more efficient, but the cost of this project is astronomical and also requires some serious construction and demolition to the property. So it isn't always cost effective or practical for many property owners. If you continue using a boiler system, follow these tips to get the most out of it.

Improve Your Boiler With Professional Help

A much cheaper and more practical solution is to try and get more out of your boiler system. There are probably quite a few things that you can do to make your boiler more efficient. The first thing you need to do is immediately have an HVAC technician come examine and service your boiler.

Boilers create heat by burning fuel to create a flame that heats up water. This water is distributed through pipes inside the walls and through radiators. So the first thing the technician will check is deficiency of the fuel distribution and water pipes. If the water pipes aren't properly pressurized, the water will not flow as fast as intended, giving it more time to cool down before it can heat up your space. The technician will also check the capacitor to make sure that your boiler power supply is working. That is, you want to make sure that the electricity and gas are actually converted to heat. This can be easily tested and often fixed quite affordably.

Of course, there is still a chance that you will need to replace your boiler completely. The good thing about this is that new boilers burn are more efficient, meaning you are definitely going to see reduced gas and electricity bills.

Pipe Insulation

Next, make sure that your water pipes are actually insulated. As heat travels through the pipes and away from the boiler, it cools down. Because of this, it needs to cycle back to the boiler to be reheated. This cyclical process, which requires repeatedly heating up the water, is where the most electricity is needed. If the water doesn't lose heat as it travels through the pipes, the boiler doesn't need to run as often. Insulated foam tubes are sold for pretty much any boiler system and can be easily popped onto the pipes. You don't need to hire an HVAC contractor for this work.

For more information on boiler repair contact companies like Rickett Industrial Environmental Systems.
