Dust Allergies? Three Ways To Reduce Your Symptoms At Home

Dust allergies can make you feel absolutely miserable, between the sneezing and the itching. And since dust can contain dust mites, mold spores, pollen, and an endless number of other allergies, it's hard to escape. You can reduce your allergy symptoms by staying out of dusty spaces, but what about your home? You deserve to have a space that is a safe-haven from allergies, so follow these tips to keep your home a lot less dusty:

Have your ducts cleaned.

You can dust and vacuum every day, but if your air ducts are dirty, the space is just going to get dusty again once the heat kicks on. And the dust inside ducts is often of the worst kind -- laden with mold spores and dust mites that have been hiding out in the ducts and feeding for months. You can hire a professional HVAC company to come clean out the inside of your ducts. They will use long, vacuum-like devices with high suction to remove any dust deposits so that the air that comes from your vents is clean and dust-free. Repeat this process annually if you have bad allergies, or every couple of years otherwise.

Upgrade to an electrostatic air filter.

The air filter between your furnace and main air duct is meant to trap particles before they travel out into your home's air supply. The problem is, cheap filters only trap the big particles. The smaller dust mites and mold spores, which are what really irritate your allergies, remain in the air and flow right through the filter. Address this issue by investing in an electrostatic filter. Your HVAC company will come to attach it to your furnace as it is a powered device. However, it will pass a current through the filter medium, electrifying it so that it attracts and grabs onto even the smallest dust particles.

Keep your humidity under control.

If your air is too dry, your respiratory passages will become irritated and over-sensitive to allergens. If the air is too moist, you'll get mold growth, which introduces more dust to the air. Between 45 and 50 percent, relative humidity seems to be the happy medium. Monitor your relative humidity via a WiFi thermostat. If it's not staying in this range, have a humidifier or dehumidifier installed so you can adjust the humidity as needed.

You should not have to suffer from sneezing and wheezing when you're in your home. Get your dust allergies under control with the maintenance above. Contact an HVAC specialist for assistance with the maintenance for HVAC in your home. 
